Sunday, March 2, 2008

A Special Anniversary

Well, I have made it through another week and I feel great this evening as I prepare to begin another successful weight loss week. The message at church really spoke to me today and I think I found more motivation in the Word.

I called this posting "A Special Anniversary" because as of today, I have been single for 1 year. Most people celebrate the time they spend with another individual, but I choose to honor my close personal union with myself on this special day. Ending my relationship was the best action I ever took to date(no pun intended) in my short 24 years. Over this past year I have grown closer to myself and learned more than some people will ever learn in a lifetime. I am happy being alone right now; I know there is MUCH I need to physically accomplish before I can allow someone else to take up space in my comfortable world. So I celebrate today, a very special anniversary, and I have hope that in a year from now, I will be celebrating for another reason (perhaps, a skinnier body!)

So, tomorrow I work with my trainer again. Mondays and Wednesdays each week. I did 42 minutes of cardio today and tomorrow will be 43. My trainer will not let me weight myself, so I could perhaps be lighter than my page lets on. She says the first month of working out and weight loss is tricky, and most people give up in the first month because they don't see results. If you are in your first month- HOLD ON! I trust my trainer- she's been doing this for 17 years and seen tremendous results in all her clients. Though I would love to wake up tomorrow wearing a size 14, I realistically remind myself that results don't come that quickly. I didn't gain it all in one month- I wont lose it that quickly either. I can't wait to get on a scale though- let's get serious! (I can't remember the last time I WANTEd to get on a scale!)

Well, that's it for now. I want to give a special thanks to CHUBBY CHICK for commenting on my last post and giving me some advice on how to get my name out there. I joined the Healthy You challenge...can't wait to exchange encouraging words with all of you out there trying to better your lives like me!

Until then,

<3 Phat Teacher <3


Hanlie said...

I found you on Chubby Chick's blog and I like you already! Great for celebrating your singleness! I wish I'd been more like you at that age...

As for increasing traffic to your blog, you need to read other blogs of the same genre and leave comments, so that people start coming to your blog. Furthermore, join online referral sites like Technorati, Fat Fighters, Mybloglog, Blogcatalog, etc.

Good luck on your journey! It is hard, but it's worth it!

Fairy Princess said...

I wish I could stay away from the scale. It has been KILLING me this week. It's my first week adding exercise and of course I wanted/expected a miracle (WOW 25 pound loss in one week! LOL yeah not likely)

I feel much better doing it and I know in the long run it will pay off but your trainer definitely is giving you the recipe for success. My obsession is so unhealthy! LOL

Chubby Chick said...

Happy Anniversary!

I'm glad you joined the Healthy You Challenge. The support is going to be great! :)

Marianna said...

Thanks for stopping by to visit my blog! I look forward to keeping up with you and following along with your progress..
Yes, in my case it's been a bumpy road getting back on the proverbial diet and exercise wagon again, but I know that in no time I'll be back on and in full force. The key is consistency and discipline- two apsects of this journey that I'm learning more and more with each passing day. God bless you!

Felicia said...

Found your link at Chubby Chick's blog and wanted to say best wishes to you on your journey!!

Have a SUPER day!

Chercheur said...

Welcome to the Challenge! And Happy Anniversary!

I want to say I love your mindset. I truly believe it is so important to be happy within yourself and able to be content alone...I don't think you can ever really be happy with someone until you're happy with yourself. What a great personal journey you're making!

I love your trainer too, she sounds absolutely brilliant. I preach scale abstinence till I'm blue in the face but it's so hard to stay away from that thing. It's great that she is adamant about that because there's nothing better than stepping on and seeing a significant loss - and by the time you step on you will already have built strong, healthy habits and it will be that much easier to stick with it regardless of what the scale says.

It sounds like you're doing great and you have all the pieces in place to make it a successful journey, especially mental and spiritual, the importance of which many people underestimate.

Have a great week!


pointing the weigh said...

Popping by to say "Hi and welcome to the challenge"

Hugs x

Ready Maid said...

Hello, Anniversary Pal! I spent six months as a single mom before DH "unexpectedly" walked into my life. Like you, I also spent the single years getting reacquainted with the "real me."

You sound like a particularly intelligent, technically savvy young woman. Folks who visit your blog can offer great advice and tremendous support.

Welcome to the crew!