Thursday, February 28, 2008

A valley

Greetings readers (if there are any),
I have hit a rough patch (and lucky me, only 2 weeks in)! I have a feeling this weight loss journey is going to be a loooong one (or atleast seem that way).
I am just expecting to see instant results and when I don't I feel like I am doing something wrong or that it will take FOREVER to get to where I want to be. I am getting angry at skinny people and even fat people who enjoy being fat because I have to watch them eat whatever they want while I feast on a spinach salad everyday. I know this is all for the best, and I know it's really not all that difficult when I think about what good it is going to do for me and my future, but I just really wanted and needed to bitch today- so I am.

I hardly feel like writing more right now. On the positive side though- I am doing well with working out and eating right. I am just getting frustrated because I realize it's going to take a while before I get where I want to be. I feel like my life is on hold. Thankfully, I am taking the right steps to get to a place where I feel in control and fully alive. I pray God will continue to replenish my spirit and show me that nothing worth while is easy, and that His plan for me if GREAT.

For now,
Phat teacher


Chubby Chick said...

First of all, congrats on your 9 lb. weight loss so far! That is FANTASTIC!

And thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving such a nice comment! I really appreciate your kind words. :)

I've read through your blog, and your story to date is amazing! I'll be a regular reader from now on. :)

And to answer your question... "If you comment... they will come." lol Just start to leave comments on other blogs, and then people will know that you're "here," and will visit and soon become faithful blog buddies. I have a link list on my blog that is filled with lots and lots of blogs, so feel free to check it out. Also, I suggest joining the "Healthy You Challenge." You'll meet lots of great folks by doing that. The button is on my blog. Just click on it, and it'll take you to the site.

Good luck with your goal! I KNOW you can do it! :)

Manuela said...

Good luck on your challenge. It's so great to be able to follow so many people but--I can be on the computer FOREVER following up on comments then reading other people's comments, on and on and on.....

I have a few blogs that I regularly check on because of things in common, etc. otherwise there would just be too much.