Sunday, February 24, 2008

Can't sleep: my first post

Greetings and welcome to my blog.
I woke up this morning with no intentions of having a weight loss blog, but by the end of the night, here I am typing away trying to make sense of it all.
It's currently 11:26 pm and I have to be awake at 5:30am. I should have been asleep 2 hours ago but for some reason, I can't seem to drift off into the lovely world of dreams.

I decided to write a blog in lue of all the weight loss blogs I found in my google search this evening. It seems there are hundreds if not thousands of women (and men) who are in my exact position and who blog about their weight loss ritualistically. If it is helping them, why not try it?

I don't know how often I will able to post. I also don't know what I will put in my post nor if anyone will even read this blog but me. I hope someone does. I hope to chart my success here and perhaps motivate even one person to put the pizza down and realize they deserve more than temporary happiness. I will be sure to get more into my own personal story in my next post (when I have more time). Right now, I need to force myself to sleep because if I don't, I will be a fire-breathing-diva-dragon in the morning (and let's face it- nobody likes her!)

Sweet dreams,
Phat Teacher


Fairy Princess said...

I just found your blog through a comment you posted. In it you asked about how to get people reading and I think reading and commenting on blogs really drives people to yours. Plus adding links to people's blogs gets people to add you to theirs and voila people are clicking to you! :) I will add ya to my site and I will definitely be following your journey. Good luck lady!