Wednesday, March 19, 2008

It's just 9 lbs...

As I was leaving the gym today the manager stopped me. I was nervous; is she going to reprimand me for not wiping off all the machines I use?
Low and behold, she asks me if I would be this month's success story in the news letter. I was so excited but I blurted out "it's just 9 lbs." She reassured me that that was a success and you know, the more I thought about it, the more I agree. Today, I am going to be happy about my weightloss and not get overwhelmed with the fact that I still have a long way to go. I am going to smile and be honored to write a paragraph for others to read about my mini- success. Mostly, I am going to let it sink in that I have truly changed some deviant habits and in just a month I feel like a new woman. Do I think it's over? ABSOLUTELY NOT! Do I think it's going to be easy? NO WAY! I know I have a mountain to climb to reach the goals I have set. But for today, I am going to bask in the glory of someone thinking my little 9 lb weight loss is a "success" in it's own right. Tomorrow, I will start climbing the mountain again!

Hope you are all having a rocking week!!!!

Phat Teacher


Take One Stripper Pole said...

Congrats on being recognized for losing an amazing 9 lbs. Go pick up 9 lbs in the gym and realize that amount of weight will never be back! :) It is smart to focus on the immediate good and the path you are on rather than the whole mountain.

Hanlie said...

That is just awesome! And you're right, we should celebrate every pound... Don't delay your gratification!

Dottie said...

That's absolutely awesome and you should celebrate! We're doing the happy dance with ya! You go girl!

Trish said...

Hey, that's great! Congratulations!

Carolyn said...

Wow... if only everyone could have an NSV like that... good job!!

And its' never 'just' a few lost pounds dear... it's saying GOODBYE to those old habits and way of life!

Chubby Chick said...

That is SO cool! Losing 9 pounds really IS a success, girl! :)

blendergrl said...

Great job.. you deserve the recognition!

Irish Mom said...

Congratulations!! We have similar amounts of weight to lose, so you are an inspiration!! 9 pounds is awesome, thats how much my kids weighed at birth and I remeber how my arm use to cramp holding them lol. Just think, repeat this success 10 times and you are done!!