Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Happy Tuesday

Hello all!
I am going to make this brief as it's been a long day and I need to catch up on reading for my graduate class (honestly, who goes BACK to college after they get a degree?). :-) Anyway, I want to thank everyone who has stopped by my page and showed love. I greatly appreciate your kind words and can't wait to check out your pages and continue this awesome communication! Hold tight- I will catch up on blogging closer to if not during the weekend!

Yesterday, my trainer kicked my A.S.S. I was dizzy and had to rest before moving onto her next tourture excersise. I know I signed up for this, and trust I am grateful; but damn, she's vicious! I am happy though, since she'll really get me the body I have wanted for years. My arms don't like her too well tonight though ( washing my hair was an arduous task). Tomorrow I am at 44 minutes of cardio alone (YAY!!!!) and 30 minutes with her. Friday I will finally be at 45 minutes of cardio and I am excited! I have come a long way from my 20 minute walks on the beach (out of breath, mind you).

Well, I wish you all a great rest of the week. Let's get through the middle and then the weekend is just around the corner. EAT SMART- get your butt to the GYM and stay positive! Oh yea, and as my trainer always tells me- Don't forget to breath!


Phat Teacher <3


Felicia said...

WOO HOO you are doing GREAT with your cardio!! VERY inspiring that is for sure!!

Ok Eating right, staying postive and promise to move ( ok on the treadmill though as no way to get to the gym lol). Deal? LOL

Have a GREAT one!!

Cammy@TippyToeDiet said...

Gotta love the trainers! They'll help us get to where we're going in good style, if they don't kill us first. LOL

Keep up the great work and the great attitude!

Carolyn said...

Hey there!!!
Are you an actual teacher? What grade do you teach? I just came across your blog and you write a lot like I do.. frank!! :D
I"m graduating from the U of C in April with my B.Ed, and will be subbing for the C.B.E. in November(getting married and stuff so too busy until then). I find it hard sometimes when teaching to really not feel MENTALLY DRAINED at the end of the day, and who wants to go to the gym after a day like that? How do you do it???
I never had a session with a trainer, but I can be punishing enough on myself! I'm thinking of getting one for a session or two soon though, to see what I coudl be doing differently!!!

Anonymous said...

Came across your blog, it looks interesting, good luck on the trainer! I wish it were me.

Good luck!

In the sky, above the clouds said...

You lucky thing you! I wish I could work out with a Trainer, but the whole money thing won't allow it right now. Although I bet there are days when you wish you didn't have her around! :)
Good luck this week!

Lyn said...

You're doing an amazing job! You'll reach your goal for sure. Just keep on writing... the readers will come!

Take One Stripper Pole said...


Just discovered you and am getting caught up. Love what you trainer says ... I say that to my students a lot when the get nervous or uptight ... don't forget to breath or you are going to pass out and miss everything anyway ... or we will have to call the ambulance and that will be no fun! Bet your trainer means in it in a whole different way.
