Tuesday, April 29, 2008

32 down....

Greetings all,
I hope your weeks are going well! I can't believe its almost MAY!

After my last post I realized that I needed to fix my insides just as much as I am working on the outside. So, I enlisted the help of God and my trainer. Though 1 of those is enough, it just so happens that I am paying my trainer to help me with my goals so I should put her to work as well. Low and behold she has been a HUGE boost in my motivation by sending me an e-card, calling me to let me know she cares and by sending me an article on Spark People about positive thoughts. I joined SP today and can't wait to get more plugged in to positive messages from other highly motivated people. I also bought Joining the Thin Club and am reading it as we speak. I have lost 10% of my body weight and according to the book that means I am already in the thin club...who knew?

I realize that my goals are TOTALLY possible and I WILL reach them this time and stay at that weight for the rest of my life (until I have children, in which case I will inevitably gain weight- but I will get right back down that scale after they pop out)! Bottom line, I am working out my emotions and mental junk 7 days a week and I know this time, I am going to take care of the issues that "weigh" me down and become the woman I am meant to be.

I can't wait to meet her........

Phat Teacher :-)


Take One Stripper Pole said...

Yes you will meet your goals! And you will kick ass along the way. 32 pounds ... seriously?

Felicia said...

Hope you are doing ok!! Best wishes on your goals. I just know you will reach them!!
