Friday, April 11, 2008

Bag Lady

Greetings fellow weight-loss adventurers,

Happy, happy, happy Friday!

I don't think I have ever been this elated to see a Friday arrive. This was our first week back to work after Spring Break and I can honestly say it felt like the longest week of my life. I physically felt crampy (but no TOM) which translated into my emotional slump. I can't really explain why I felt so dumpy this week, but I did. So, my workout on Wednesday was a little weak (still 50 minutes though), and my social life was lacking since I wanted to jump and hide in bed at every free minute. I felt a little shut off from society, and to top it off, my students were resistant to learn this week (SURPRISE, SURPRISE). Oh well, the week is over! My trainer met with me today to make up for a day she missed last week and that workout rocked! I felt great after it and I think I literally kicked myself out of the funk I was in this week. How did I resolve these issues before? FOOD; which we all know is only a temporary and fattening fix. It's amazing how much life can change with a simple decision; something has to change!

My clothes are baggy, almost too baggy. I found myself pulling my pants up every 5 minutes yesterday and though this is encouraging, what am I going to do in this in between time (now until 100 lbs)? What are your plans? I would love to hear :-)

Thanks for all your support gang! I appreciate your comments and motivation!

Hope you're having a great week,
Phat Teacher


Anonymous said...

Go ahead and get yourself clothes that fit. It does wonders. I only have a few items of clothing, and they are mostly from the second hand store, because I just couldn't bear to put a lot of money into clothes that were temporary. But most of the clothes I now have are pretty cool (although I don't know what possessed me to buy that black denim oversized vest) and I feel more comfortable in them then tugging up the waist of my drawers and stepping on the hems.

Allison said...

I'm having the same problem with baggy clothes. Most of my work pants are too big now, and I am walking on the cuffs of them. I've tried to find some other decent work pants for a good price, but I'm having a hard time.
I ended up buying one pair of black work pants, and one pair of new jeans (well, 2 if you count a pair of capris). And I'm hoping to make those work for a while.
I also dug through a box of clothes from high school, but they're pretty much just all T-shirts.
I'm planning on rocking the baggy, saggy clothes until a) I find some clothes on sale at a really good price, or b) my current pants are literally falling off of me.
I'm hoping to consign some of my old clothes to make some money for some new clothes, as well.